Monday, May 7, 2012


If I were Judge DeSalvo I would let Anna take charge of her own body, because of the pain and work she has been through this far in her life. I would do this  because of the ammount of work her body has been throught this far for the age that she is. I also think that it has to be hard for Sara to be going through this with her daughter saying that she doesn't want to help her sister anymore, even though she has this far.

Wednesday, April 11, 2012


I believe that the holocaust was a real thing. I would say that the holocaust was real by the information that survivors have told and by the building and camps still up today. If it wasn't true I don't see why people would lie about the holocaust if it really didn't happen, it doesn't make any sense. There is too much information and sights to see that it wouldn't be real. I would tell people that it was a huge part of the world and that if they don't believe it that is there prolem but it did happen.

Wednesday, March 21, 2012

holocaust thoughts..

I believe that things today are the way they are because people have different thoughts and different responsibilities. Everyone has a different look on life and people to speak up for feelings and thoughts. The world around us has come to the point where most people agree to the conditions of the world and are able to speak out about what they believe without being killed or sent to camps. Human life has changed alot.

Tuesday, February 7, 2012

Something Good About My Parent..

Something good that happen with my dad was that we were driving home one night and a car swerved off the road in front of us. Some people might of continued to drive and carried on with there day. But my dad pulled over the van and rushed out to help the 3 girls that had got in the accident. My dad then called 911 and made sure everyone was safe and okay before we left. This shows me that my dad will do mostly anything for someone. Even if he doesnt know who they are. Most people wouldn't of stopped and checked on the people who were involved but my dad did and that shows how much he cares.

Monday, January 30, 2012

To Kill a Mockingbird

 I don't live in a neighborhood so i do have many of the same things other kids do living in neighborhoods. I wouldn't change anything about the story the kids are living life to the fullest, and having many different adventures and everything. Yes I would be friends with Scout if I was her age, because she does a lot of fun things and is very adventures. Yes, i think i would friends with Jem and Dill to a certain point because they are both a little to much adventures for me to handle.

Wednesday, January 25, 2012

Tell about it

I believe that if you have your whole life planned out then that takes all of the fun out of it. Living is not about having it all set there saying okay this comes next, then this, then this. It's about being surprised and not knowing what's coming next. To get somewhere you always have to watch the people around you. I you pay close enough attention then you are able to notice when they fail or when something goes wrong. A these points you can then be astonished and think of the way you can do what they failed to do and make it better. More times then most it feels good to accomplish something great. So once you do go around and tell everyone. People may have different thoughts about what you are doing\, but you can then feel good about yourself no matter what anyone else has to say.